2:30 Thursday Afternoon, June 27
Dressed, with slippers in easy chair in Lounge
Kathleen begins a conversation and I can't hear the beginning. Kathleen offers a ride in the wheel chair to the patio, but Bernie protests, "The Lady won't let us." "We can probably get an OK." "I don't know which one to ask." "OK, let's talk here." "Good."
Bernie doesn't finish any sentences, and speaks in a whisper. His breathing is shallow and rapid. His hands fidget. "Are you anxious, Bernie?" "Yes." "About anything in particular." "I don't know how to put it in words." "OK, then."
How about a walk? Bernie says OK, and an aid immediately notices and brings us a walker. Bernie get up from the chair with a minimum of effort. He takes off down the hall at a moderate pace. He is sure footed and comfortable. At the end of the hall we wants to return, but I suggest a lap to the outer hallway, and back again. No objection.
While underway Kathleen talks with the nurse, and confirms what we have heard the last two visits.
Dressed, with slippers in easy chair in Lounge
Kathleen begins a conversation and I can't hear the beginning. Kathleen offers a ride in the wheel chair to the patio, but Bernie protests, "The Lady won't let us." "We can probably get an OK." "I don't know which one to ask." "OK, let's talk here." "Good."
Bernie doesn't finish any sentences, and speaks in a whisper. His breathing is shallow and rapid. His hands fidget. "Are you anxious, Bernie?" "Yes." "About anything in particular." "I don't know how to put it in words." "OK, then."
How about a walk? Bernie says OK, and an aid immediately notices and brings us a walker. Bernie get up from the chair with a minimum of effort. He takes off down the hall at a moderate pace. He is sure footed and comfortable. At the end of the hall we wants to return, but I suggest a lap to the outer hallway, and back again. No objection.
While underway Kathleen talks with the nurse, and confirms what we have heard the last two visits.
(I didn't mention either visit previously. Bernie seems to be getting better. I didn't want to report that without waiting a bit to make sure it wasn't just a false report.
Nearly two weeks ago the hospice nurse said, "We can't figure it out exactly, but he seems to be healing. His immune system is working. The persistent sore on his bottom is nearly completely healed, and his foot has not gone septic. (Click here for more on sepsis.)
Last week, the same: "We are putting lotion on his sore, but it is healed."
This good news is encouraging. It does not address the confusion and anxiety, but his health is improved.
At the next hospice evaluation, it is likely he will be "graduated" from hospice. This will not impair his ability to rejoin again when the time comes.)Kathleen mentions Bernie's foot to him. He offers, "It is swollen a bit, but not as bad as it was." Hmm. He remembers and is lucid making a comparison.
Kathleen asks if a visitor we know visited, and Bernie reports, "Yes. They brought Chinese food from
Eriks. It was a wonderful idea, but the food wasn't as good after the 30 minute drive as it was at the restaurant." Hmmm. He remembers the visit (not a sure thing), and was direct enough to review the food. Good.
Kathleen begins another thread of conversation, and Bernie interrupts. "I have to be going now." "Bernie, would you like us to go?" "He smiles and says, Yes, I suppose so."
We make our goodbys and halfway down the hall look back to see him waving.