Blog written by:

Most posts are written by Mike Young. Kathleen and I are available by phone at our home: 510-526-6654, or you can email: (See Blog Introduction: Click Here)

Monday, April 29, 2013


Monday, April 29, 9:30am
In wheelchair, in lounge.

Kathleen and I have come to move things out of his old private room, and into his shared room in the Special Care unit.

I look Bernie up and there is much activity in the lounge. I can't hear him, and ask if it's ok we go to the enclosed patio.  "Good"

It was warm and the flowers were all bright. We find a place in the shade. "How are things Bernie?" "Terrible, as usual" "Oh Bernie, what is it?"  "Continue continue continue continue continue continue..." and five more times "continue." His breath was shallow and quick. He seemed agitated and spoke with his eyes closed.

Finally, he slowly reaches down and unties his right shoe and points to the heal.  "There are weights in the heal and it is too heavy to walk." His new white Rockport walkers were all he could talk about.

"Kathleen and I have come to move your things to your new room." "Ok" "We'll check with you before we leave." "Good"

Kathleen moves pictures and framed prints, all Bernie's clothes, personal items, crucifixes, and chalice.  I disconnect the telephone, cable tv and computer.  There is no room for his large easy chair or bookcase.  Most of the items in the bookcase were unread magazines of the past year. We move the empty compact refrigerator Bernie had asked for into short term storage. Four nightstand clocks were reduced to one.

It took all day and we went to say goodbye nearly 7:00pm and he was in his bed, asleep. 

We asked Alice about transferring his telephone.  She suggested we wait a few days.  "Most of the time he won't be in his room and won't be able to answer. Let's see if he wants it. Have his friends call the main number, and ask for Father Brennan in the Care Unit. We'll bring Bernie to the phone."

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Afternoon in the Lounge

Friday, April 26, 2:40pm
Dressed in Lounge

Kathleen and I spot Bernie across the room and he is sitting in an easy chair in conversation with a visiting priest. We busy ourselves with paperwork for Bernie and return a few minutes later.

Bernie is dozing. "How are you doing?" "Not too bad." Kathleen begins a conversation, but Bernie is confused and can't quite figure out  the question.  He complains of pain at his bottom, and we figure out he is referring to the previous sore which is being treated.

Kathleen asks if he feels confused, and he says, "Yes, I suppose so." He seems upset and we keep our conversation short.

I got a call earlier in the day and search out the nurse who called. She had reported that he was confused during the night and fell out of his bed. Deliberately the beds are lowered close to the floor each night to minimize the risk. The nurses found him immediately and gave him a brief examination and checked his temperature.  A few hours again they check once more, to find him showing no ill effects from the fall.  He seemed confused but rested the remainder of the night.

The nurses also reported he was incontinent. He has lost all bladder control. This may have been a result of a catheter for nearly a month. They believe he can regain control.

After talking with several nurses and Alice (RN) who is the administrator, all believe he should not return to his private room. The additional attention and group activities in the Special Care wing are necessary and helpful.

Next week we'll try to get his telephone transferred to his new room. We'll update the number in the box to the right.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Inner Peace, Please

Tuesday, April 23 4pm
Nazareth House, Lounge Room
Dressed, in easy chair, dozing

I sit down next to Bernie and wait for a minute. He stirs and I say, "Hi Bernie."  "Oh, how long have you been here." "Just a minute." "How are you?" "Not too bad."

Bernie sits in the lounge amid about thirty easy chairs, large fireplace, and big TV.  Most have already moved from the lounge to the dinning room, adjacent.  We chat for a bit.

Bernie is happy to be at Nazareth, but is still a bit confused.  I ask about the food, and he says he hasn't had any yet. I ask about his new room and he can't describe it or give his reaction to it.

We sit for a bit and he trembles.  "What is it Bernie?" "Oh, Dear God. Oh, Dear God. Oh, Dear God." "What would you like Bernie?" "Inner peace."  I hold his hand for a minute and he calms.  "Bernie you don't have to worry. You don't have to be anywhere. You don't have anything overdue." He settles. "Oh good."

A helper comes by with a walker and they both head off to dinner. I left before I could get a full menu but I saw a green salad with croutons and slices of turkey to start.

Friday, April 19, 2013

What? No Confetti and Fireworks?

Friday, April 19, 3pm

"Hi Father!"  "Hi Father Brennan" "Hello Father!" It was like the Prom King returning to a School Reunion.

Just pulling into the driveway at Nazareth House Bernie's spirit lifted.  The staff embraced him as he returned. He's now in the Nursing Care wing for evaluation (and maybe relocation).  He reached out and shook hands like a politician at election time.

While waiting for the final doctor exam at Smith Ranch, Bernie refused lunch. "It's gruel." I took a peek. It looked pretty good to me: breaded fresh fish, rice, peas and mushrooms. Nevertheless, he pushed it aside and picked at the fresh fruit salad.

On return to Nazareth House I asked if he was hungry.  "Famished."  I passed this along to Alice and she said she'd make sure he got a hearty dinner.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Things were going fine...

Thursday, April 18, 3:30pm

After a lengthy delay processing the paperwork for release, Bernie was waiting at the front door for Mike to drive the car around to get him.

He fell.

The nurses and aids were there immediately. "I saw it from upstairs on the camera." said a nurse.  The doctor who had just released Bernie checked him out. All agreed, there didn't seem to be anything immediately apparent, but the doctor spoke, "I'd like to keep him overnight to make sure everything is OK."  "OK"

Try again Friday.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thursday is Moving Day?

Wednesday, April 17, 2pm

Alice from Nazareth House called to say she has arranged for Bernie to move back.  Initially he will be in the assisted care wing and after a bit will evaluate if he can move back into his old room.

If all goes well, Mike will pick up Bernie and his things on Thursday Morning. 

Ice cream on the way home? -- We'll see!
(After the move, we'll update the current location and phone number box on the right.)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Report from Malachy:

Dateline: Dublin, Ireland:
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
11:00 PM (IST)

I remember Bernie's ordination in summer of 1961. I remember his parents coming from NYC to NH to visit him.We had many enjoyable lunches in Irish cultural centres, lots of patrons would come to table to talk to him.

From I met him, when he would walk into a room people would be aware of him. 

Please say hello to him, 
Malachy Doherty

Monday, April 15, 2013

Report from Glenn

Monday, April 15

Here is a summary of my contact with Bernie today:

After several unsuccessful tries, I was finally able to talk to Bernie on the phone in his room this morning.  When I asked him if he was out of isolation, he said yes, and that was encouraging to hear.  When I asked him if he knew when he'd be going back to Nazareth House, he said that no one has told him.  I said he must be looking forward to going back there and he said emphatically yes.

He told me that if visitors come, they should phone first, and I said I would surely do that before I visited him.  I suggested that when I do visit him, after he gets back to Nazareth House, maybe I could take him for a drive and we'd go down to the Irish Cultural Center in San Francisco to have lunch, which is something he and I have done many times in the past when he lived in his apartment. He reacted very positively to that and said he'd like very much to do that.

Since he indicated in the beginning of the call he didn't want to talk long, I said goodbye and that I would get up to visit him soon.

He did not seem at all negative or depressed, but rather more neutral, which to me was an improvement since the last time I had last seen or talked with Bernie.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Art of Conversation

Sunday, April 14, 9:15am
On bed, shoes and socks off, dozing.
No more isolation, no more gowns and masks.

Bernie is more alert and engaged than usual.  For the first time I can recall he offers, "What's new?"  I was taken aback and then reviewed the headlines I can remember from the news on the radio.   "Would you like me to get a Sunday paper and see what's new?" "Good."

Kathleen tells Bernie of an all solar airplane on display at Moffett Field.  "All Solar Plane?" This is the first time I can recall his interaction in a conversation. Usually it is: 1. Ask a question; 2. Get answer; 3. Done.
In this case Bernie encouraged and sustained the conversation with an question.  This happened more than once during our visit. "Margaret Thatcher died this week." "Oh, she did.  How old was she?"

Then when the conversation lulls he closes his eyes and seems to doze off.

Father's cousin, Linda, sent photos and Kathleen shows them to Bernie.  He instantly recognizes them and identifies each person.  "When where these taken?" "The day of my ordination."

(Uncle) John Stapleton, Fr. Bernie, Bernard Brennan (Dad)

(Aunt) Katherine Gilmartin Stapleton, (Uncle) John Stapleton
From Left: (Uncle) John Stapleton, Anna (Nan) Stapleton Brennan (Mother), Bernard Brennan (Father), (Aunt) Katherine Stapleton

We speak with the duty nurse about his condition.  She promises to ask the doctor today during his rounds about the catheter.  We will follow up Monday. The bowel infection has been treated by antibiotic for about a week (of its 10 day normal treatment).  Bernie's condition has improved and it means visitors and staff no longer have to wear gowns, etc.

A couple of friends have asked about calling Bernie. We asked and he said, "Any time before 9pm."

Monday, April 8, 2013

Report from Ireland:

Long time friend Malachy Doherty, now of Dublin, Ireland, emailed:

I am glad to get news of Bernard. I first met him in New Hampshire in 1959. I was in my first year in Queen of Peace Seminary -- he was 3 years ahead of me. In those days his religious name was Gregory. He then was a Republican, just as over the top then as he is now. I returned to Ireland in 1967 and left the ministry in 1970.

I had been a graduate student, at USF, and as I was leaving in summer of 1967, he left the Sacred Hearts, and joined the Archdiocese of San Francisco.

For about 10 years my Aunt Bridie Dooher was a resident in Nazareth House in San Rafael. I visited her there in 1991. From 1995 to 2010 yearly I visited my aunt, Sister Malachy, a Sister of the Holy Family, first in Stanyan Street, and then in Mission San Jose.

Each year we met for lunch and I was always conscious of heads turning, as he gave a virtuoso a/c of something or other.

In the 60s he was a Goldwater supporter. You have known him for years so you know his views. The last time I met him was I think 2009. I could not contact him in 2010. I hope to visit Mission San Jose this year. Is he well enough to receive visitors? If I phoned him would he know who he I am?

Say hello to him from me,

Malachy Doherty

Answers: By all means, drop by to see him.  We are all hoping for him to return to Nazareth House from his current stay at Smith Ranch Rehabilitation Center.  Watch this blog (at the right)  for his current address and phone.  When calling: speak up, be patient, give some hints as to who you are, expect him to be as charming as ever.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Phone Calls Welcomed

9:00 Sunday, April 7
On bed, dressed, shoes off

Bedside number: 415-446-3963  

Kathleen and I put on the gowns, masks and gloves.  The nurse says "Thank You" from down the hall.

Bernie is alert, but does not open his eyes.  We have a brief chat and the physical therapist arrives, also in a gown.  "Here I am, all dressed like I'm going to the prom!"  She jokes with Bernie as we excuse ourselves to have a coffee in the library while they work.

They exercise using the bike pedals as Bernie sits in his chair.  As they do that, housekeeping changes the linens.  After a bit we return.  I mention a new fire station in San Francisco.  It was featured in the Sunday Chronicle and I describe the architectural distinction.  "When you get out, let's go see it."  "That would be nice." Whenever we drove to lunch or dinner I was amazed with Bernie's knowledge and interest of buildings in San Francisco.  We had a "To do" list to tour of some of the newer public buildings.  This now joins the list.

Kathleen mentioned that some friends reported they were unable to get Bernie on the phone.  "I don't know how to answer this damned thing."  The hospital phone is placed on the bed and is answered by pressing a button the face of it.  After a couple of test phone calls he says, "Oh, OK, I think I've got it now.  I appreciate it when people call. I guess I couldn't answer it before.  It was not deliberate."

Today, whenever he speaks he does not open his eyes.  His eyes are clear.  The previous inflammation of his right eye is now completely healed.  His conversation is brisk and lively, but he kept his eyes closed. His breath always shallow.

We speak with the nurse on duty.  She has been Bernie's nurse for only two days, but asked where he was a priest. She said, "He looks so familiar."  We ask about our two ongoing concerns, the sore on the bottom (it was inspected this morning and continues to heal), and the catheter.  The nurse gave us the name of the case worker and we will follow up Monday to see about about a visit from the urologist.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Fr. Craig Looney reports:

Thursday morning, April 4

This morning I had a very nice visit with Father Brennan. He was sitting up and was just completing his morning PT. I spent about 1/2 hour with him before the next scheduled PT. He was in the private room and I had to "suit up". I found the facility...and his room...exceptionally clean and bright...and the staff compassionate and attentive.

I found him to be alert, although as was stated, he does not for the most part initiate conversations. He did answer questions clearly and did say he was enormously grateful for Father John's visit and that he was happy to see me. He was happy to receive the sermons and note from Father John which I delivered to him.

The main concern with Father Brennan is the depression. He said he has not had much success in overcoming it. He wants very much to return to Nazareth House. I suggested he focus his attention on getting his strength back so he can do just that...and to listen to the doctors and nurses and follow their instructions. He said he would do so.

Before I left we prayed together and I told him I would come and see him again soon.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Room - New Phone Number

Bernie changed rooms today.
His new bedside number is:

Private room with a view

Wednesday, April 3, 10:30am
In chair, dressed.

"We would like to move Father to a private room. He has developed an infection of the bowel and it is best to isolate him."


This seems to be a minor infection, treatable by antibiotics, but isolation seems to be part of the  procedure -- to prevent infection to others.

Visitors are asked (required) to don a disposable gown and mask for their own protection.

I suit up and visit with Bernie for a bit.  I report the email responses we received from those he invited to see his blog.  He is spirited by the well wishes he receives.

I asked the nurse about taking Bernie for a walk, something he was eager to do, but was told it must be inside his new private room.

The speech therapist arrives and I excuse myself to let him play word games.

I ask the nurse about two persistent issues, catheter pain and the sore on the bottom.

We were told last week that the doctor had been asked to look at Bernie at the next visit.  Four days later I asked a different nurse and was told the doctor didn't want to consult a urologist, but wanted to monitor the situation. Today I asked a third nurse who consulted the patient notes and saw nothing about ANY comments about the catheter and pain.  I said Bernie complains on each and every visit, and I had reported that twice before. "The doctor comes in today and I'll ask him to look at it."

The sore on the bottom "is improving"

I return in a few minutes to find Bernie lying on the bed, sound asleep.  I wait a few minutes. Lunch arrives. He doesn't stir.

Fr. Altberg reports:

Tuesday, April 2, 4pm

A quick note to report having just returned from very rewarding visit with Father Bernie...judging by what I read on blog y'day and observed today, my sense is that of major progress over last week...a few smiles were forthcoming...

Fr. John, Fr. Bernie, Shellee, Staff Physical Therapist
He was thrilled to learn your informative note and blog are 'on the air' and hopes it will encourage people to come and see him.

Here is a picture I took. Father Bernie was delighted with the picture and would like a copy.

Father Craig Looney hopes to visit by the end of the week..I'll print and send a copy with him.

Among things he told me...

• Hopes he can soon return to Nazareth House..."food there is wonderful!"...

• What he treasures most is prayer and friendship..."I can't tell you how much that means to helps so much just knowing people care..."

• His most debilititating problem is depression..."it's lonely"...

We spent a brief time praying before I departed...he really brightened...

As I mentioned, it was very rewarding and encouraging to see him...