Wednesday, April 3, 10:30am
In chair, dressed.
"We would like to move Father to a private room. He has developed an infection of the bowel and it is best to isolate him."
This seems to be a minor infection, treatable by antibiotics, but isolation seems to be part of the procedure -- to prevent infection to others.
Visitors are asked (required) to don a disposable gown and mask for their own protection.
I suit up and visit with Bernie for a bit. I report the email responses we received from those he invited to see his blog. He is spirited by the well wishes he receives.
I asked the nurse about taking Bernie for a walk, something he was eager to do, but was told it must be inside his new private room.
The speech therapist arrives and I excuse myself to let him play word games.
I ask the nurse about two persistent issues, catheter pain and the sore on the bottom.
We were told last week that the doctor had been asked to look at Bernie at the next visit. Four days later I asked a different nurse and was told the doctor didn't want to consult a urologist, but wanted to monitor the situation. Today I asked a third nurse who consulted the patient notes and saw nothing about ANY comments about the catheter and pain. I said Bernie complains on each and every visit, and I had reported that twice before. "The doctor comes in today and I'll ask him to look at it."
The sore on the bottom "is improving"
I return in a few minutes to find Bernie lying on the bed, sound asleep. I wait a few minutes. Lunch arrives. He doesn't stir.
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