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Most posts are written by Mike Young. Kathleen and I are available by phone at our home: 510-526-6654, or you can email: (See Blog Introduction: Click Here)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

No change

Tuesday, May 28, 10:05 am

Mindless of time I realize I've come exactly when they are having their daily communion service.  Ok, I'll not interrupt, and besides I don't spot Bernie from my vantage point.

I check his room to find his bed neatly made, but no Bernie.

I wait a few more minutes, and appreciate the enclosed patio and the bright sun and flowers.

I hear a game show on the Lounge TV (the signal that the TV is on and activities resume) and spot Bernie, and another resident in the easy chairs. Bernie's seatmate has his hand up and I cannot resist, "I see your hand up. Is there anything I can do for you?"  Bernie stirs on hearing my voice and we smile. "Morning, Bernie." "Hello."

"Can you get me out of this damned chair and into a wheel chair so I can go to my room?", his agitated seatmate says.  "Ok. I'll see what I can do."

The aides are helping another resident and are using an hydraulic lift to get her out of her chair and swung around so a wheel chair can be maneuvered under her.  "We know. He's next."

I return and relay the news. "Thanks." And I begin my conversation with Bernie.  He volunteers, "Dreadful machine." "The lift?" "Yes." "Do you use it?"  "Oh, God no." 

We both smile and carry on. "Hey you're looking mighty sharp. Is that a new haircut?" "Yes."

In a bit I ask if he would like to go to the patio.  He pauses and quivers. "I'm afraid of my ...." He said something that I couldn't hear. "Your what Bernie?" "Feet, F E E T", he patiently spells for me. "Oh, yes. What about your feet?" "I don't know if I can describe it. He pauses and in a moment says, "I'm afraid of falling." "Ok, then would you like to rest here?" "Yes."

He asks what's new, and I describe the usual things that keep us busy. "Oh, that's nice." 

I remember an email I received which described him being included in the prayers of the faithful at one of the churches he served on the Peninsula. "He is always remembered at our Parish," said the emailer. "Oh, that's nice."

It occurs to me that I saw a stack of today's newspaper in the dining room. "Would you like me to get a paper and read the news?" "Oh, yes." "OK, you wait right here." He promptly smiled. We have carefully trained each other in our recurring punch lines, used over the years. Boy, he is with it this morning.

The Marin Independent Journal didn't shake the earth with news this morning.  There was an interesting story about a horse which was rescued from falling into an eight foot wide well in San Rafael.  It took the Fire Department, Veterinarians, and a crane and when rescued about 25 on-lookers applauded. "Isn't that interesting?" he offered.

Another feature on the history of the bay near Sausalito.  120 years ago the bay was named Ark Bay because no less than 15 arks had taken up residence there. ..."young bachelors and bohemians, took up residence in the free-floating homes, some quite elegant." Bernie smiled.

Not much else. The Peanuts cartoon was only mildly amusing and didn't bring much response. The Our Family cartoon about the same.

"Bernie, would it be OK if I check with the nurse to see about your foot. I won't leave till I check back." "That would be good."

The nurse didn't take long to say there wasn't much change, for the better or worse. "We'll just keep an eye on it to see."

I'm back to Bernie and say we're all watching the foot and hope it gets better. "OK." I remind him many are praying for him and ask for his prayers. "God bless you." He smiles and waves.

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